World Health Day 2020 – Saluting the undying spirit and commitment of Nurses and Midwives

World Health Day 2020 – Saluting the undying spirit and commitment of Nurses and Midwives

Word Health Day 2020 Theme: Support Nurses and Support-Nurses-ServiceMidwives


In this International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, World Health Day comes at a critical time when the entire medical fraternity is working at the forefront of the COVID-19 response, providing high quality, respectful treatment and care. In the face of adversity that humanity has never faced, the role of nurses and midwifery workforce is critical to our emergency preparedness and response. Clearly, without nurses, there would be no response.

The World Health Day 2020 (7 April 2020) strives to renew our focus on improving universal health coverage, maternal and child health, infectious and non-communicable diseases including mental health, emergency preparedness and response, patient safety and the delivery of integrated, patient-centric care, amongst others.

Supporting the Revenue Cycle Processes to the medical fraternity

Medical Billing Wholesalers salutes the undying commitment of the medical fraternity across the world. We see our role as helping the healthcare systems improve the economics of healthcare, enabling caregivers to focus on what they do best, deliver high-quality care. On this day, renew and reaffirm our commitment to helping the medical community reduce administrative costs, and improve care delivery using our national medical billing services.

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